N | Councillor | Areas with ward | Administrator |
1 | Clr. M MAKHUBELA 079 577 9702 MakhubelaM@Joburg.org.za |
Alexandra, Linbro Park, Modderfontein, Frankenwald, Austin View, Presidents Park, Glen Austin AH Ext3.3, Commercia, Commercia Ext 43, Modderfontein Ext 2, Founders Hill, Sebenza Ext 6, Halfway House Estates, Rabie Ridge | Katlego Seemela 083 694 5374 |
2 | Clr. S. ANCER 0828729610 AncerE@joburg.org.za |
Bezuidenhout Valley, Bruma, Cyrildene, Dewetshof, Fairmount Ridge, Fairvale, Glenkay, Glensan, Kensington, Linksfield, Oospoort, Sandringham, South Kensington, Sydenham, Talbolton | Monde Mbingeleli 073 787 4098 |
3 | Clr. M. RAVID 084 355 0826 mravid@axxess.co.za |
Norwood, Killarney, Oaklands, Saxonwold, Houghton Estate, Houghton, Parkhood and Reviera | Lerato Zengetwa 728 6338 |
4 | Clr. R. WOLDER 082 458 6339 rwolder@mweb.co.za |
Hillands North, Melrose, Orange Groove, Savoy, Weivaley, Bramley, Sydernham, Birdhaven and Glenhavel | Lerato Zengetwa 728 6338 |
5 | Clr. A. MASEKO 0823093861 MasekoA@joburg.org.za |
4th Avenue between Joe Nhlanhla to 3rd Avenue London Road to 7th Avenue between Joe Nhlanhla and London Road | Katlego Seemela 083 694 5374 |
6 | Clr. M.MOCHE 0768950863 MocheM@Joburg.org.za |
Lombardy East, Bramley Gardens, Corlett Gardens between 8th Avenue and London Road to 16th Avenue | Monde Mbingeleli 073 787 4098 |
7 | Clr. M. MODIBA 0723899469 ModibaM@joburg.org.za |
Dowerglen, Bramley Manor, Bramley View, Casey Park, Corlett gardens Exts1, 2, 3, Crystal Gardens, Dorelan, Dunsevern, Formain, Kew, Lombardy East, Lombardy West, Lyndhurst, Rembrandt Park, Rembrandt Ridge | Mpho Sepeng 082 499 0922 |
8 | Clr. I. OLLIS 082 714 7572 iollis@lantiv.net |
Rosebank, Parkmore North, Dunkeld West, Illovo, Craghall Park, Hyde Park, Parktown, Sandhurt, Glenadriene and Riepen Park | Duduzile Ndumo |
9 | Clr. BLAYMIRE 083 266 5610 blaymire@iafrica.com |
Athol, Athol Gardens, Atholhurst, Bramley, North, Bramley Park, Chislehurston, Dennehof, Elton Hill, Glen Athol, Illovo, Inanda, Raumarais, Park, Sundown, Wierda Valley and Part of Alexandra( 1st - 3rd, Street) | Lerato Zengetwa 886 4542 |
10 | Clr. A. vd MOLEN 083 441 9325 alison@wold.co.za |
Parts of Bryston, Parts of Fendale, Parts of Fontainebleau, Hurlingham, Blairgowrie, Bordeux, Hurlingham, Manor, and Willowwild | Duduzile Ndumo |
11 | Clr. G. Hurwitz 082 443 4210 gilda@global.co.za |
Bryanston, Morningside, River Club, Duxbery, Sunset Acre, Benmore Gardens, Parkmore, Sandhurst, Hurpark, Dalecross, Little Fillan, Sandown, Strathovon, and Athol | Katlego Seemela 884 5381 |
12 | Clr. A. SEBOYANE 0829056438 SeboyaneA@joburg.org.za |
17th Avenue London Road cutting through 16th Avenue John Brandt to 22nd Avenue London Road, East Bank, West Bank, far East Bank | Mpho Sepeng 082 499 0922 |
13 | Clr. D. HUNT 083 800 2144 sheilah@yebo.co.za |
Northern Gallo Manor, Woodmead, Rivonia, Forways, Douglasdale, Parts of Juskie Park, and Lonehill East | Duduzile Ndumo 706 5521 |
14 | Clr.BMADUNGANDABA 0825089313 BillyM@joburg.org.za |
From 7th Avenue between Selborne and John Brandt to 12th Avenue Roosevelt, to 16th Avenue between Joe Nhlanhla and Roosevelt | Monde Mbingeleli 073 787 4098 |
15 | Clr. L. MACHABA 0828328018 MachabaL@joburg.org.za |
From 3rd Avenue Vasco Da Gama to Joe Nhlanhla to 17th Avenue Vasco Da Gama nad Joe Nhlanhla and Marlboro Industries | Mpho Sepeng 082 499 0922 |
16 | Clr. J. NGALONKULU 0846549061 Ngalonkulu@Joburg.org.za |
Kelvin Eastgate Exts 3,4,6,8,9,11,12,1,3,17,18, Gallo Manor, Kelvin View, Marlboro Gardens, Morningside Manor, Wendywood, Wesco Park, Wynberg | Duduzile Ndmo 083 653 7232 |